Travelling can be a wonderful and enriching experience. However, for a trip to be successful, you need to have the essentials. Going away with the bare minimum can work, but it’s always best to plan ahead and take everything you’ll need.

No matter where you’re going, you should always take time to pack before your next trip. If you’ve read a Bitdreams Casino review and fancy playing some casino games, you could visit many great casinos around the world.

Or you could be inspired to visit some cities steeped in a culture in history. Whatever your travel purpose, make sure you have the essentials when you set off.

Below is a list of what you should have before your next great travel adventure.

  • Travel insurance,
  • Medication,
  • A travel guide,
  • A portable charger,
  • A universal adapter plug,
  • A backpack,
  • High-quality earplugs,
  • A water bottle,
  • A camera.

Carry on reading for full descriptions of each of these travel essentials. We’ll explain why every one of these is a must-have for all future trips that you go on.

Travel Insurance

One of the most important things to sort out before you start traveling internationally is travel insurance. Even if you’re going away for just a few days, you could easily pick up something or have an accident of some kind.

If you don’t have insurance, you’ll have to pay the medical costs yourself. These can be very high in some countries, even for quite minor things. If you have insurance, it should cover you while you’re away so that you won’t have so much of a money issue.

Before leaving, make sure your insurance for travelling is up to date and covers your entire trip. Getting insurance will likely cost you some money, but it’s worth it. Paying a small sum for coverage is much better than forking hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a medical bill in another country.


On a related note, if you take any kind of medication, be sure to take more than you need with you. Take a two-week supply if you’re away for just one week, for example, so you have enough if there are flight delays or anything like that.

Start building up a stockpile of medication as soon as you can if you have to. Speak to your doctor and ask about getting additional supplies to cover you while you’re away. If you don’t need medication for anything, it’s still worthwhile buying some basic products. We recommend doing this because medication costs can be quite high in other countries.

If you have some supplies, they should save you a trip to the pharmacy or the doctor’s, both of which can be expensive. Some common products you should have include:

  • Hand sanitiser,
  • Insect repellent,
  • Water purification tablets,
  • Sunscreen,
  • Plasters,
  • Sterile gauze dressings (small, medium and large),
  • A bottle of skin disinfectant.

You should invest in a first aid kit. This should include all the basics and cover any minor scrapes or bruises you may have. You hopefully won’t need to use it, but it’s best to have it there just in case something happens.

You probably won’t need any medical supplies if you’re exploring a city or town. However, if you’re somewhere remote – let’s say you’re going on a long walk, for example – having some supplies on your person is a good idea.

If something happens and there’s no one around, you can give yourself some primary medical care, which is better than nothing. You don’t want to be stuck on your own in another country with no one around when you need medical assistance.

Travel Guides

Many people use their phones as guides to help them find things when they’re away. However, there’s nothing like ditching the devices and using a paper guide instead.

Pick up one in advance and use it to plan what you will do when you’re there. Take it with you and use it to help you make the most of your time away. A guide can tell you all sorts of helpful information, including:

  • What are the top tourist attractions are?
  • What each attraction has to offer and whether or not it’s worth visiting?
  • How to get to different places throughout the area?
  • What shops and restaurants are there?
  • What accommodation options does the place has?
  • How to get by in the country you’re visiting?
  • Where to go if you need help?
  • Numbers to phone if there’s an emergency.

When travelling, you don’t want to be on your phone constantly. Using a printed guide instead of looking at your phone is an excellent way to reduce screen time. Plus, paper guides can be just as helpful as websites and apps.

What’s great about a guide is that it can show you all sorts of things to see, do and experience. Discover hidden gems, add them to your itinerary, and find something different to do daily.

A Portable Charger

Speaking of phones, taking a portable charger with you is a great idea. Even though you should minimise your screen time while away, it’s still worth having a charger in case your battery is low on power.

The last thing you want is to be stuck somewhere with no phone to help you. Ensure your portable charger is fully charged, and carry it everywhere you go as a backup.

Plus, you don’t want your phone to be dying when you’re about to take some photos or videos. Having a portable charger means you won’t have to worry about running out of power when you want to use your phone. The best ones can charge your phone several times before they run out of power. No matter where you go, a portable charger is an essential travel companion.

A Universal Adapter Plug

Carrying on with the subject of phones, it’s worth taking a universal adapter plug with you. If you’ll take electronics with you, which you probably will, you’ll need to charge them.

Many countries have the same plugs, so taking an adapter with you isn’t always necessary. Before starting your trip, do some research and see whether or not you’ll need an adapter.

If you’re visiting multiple countries, check if you’ll need one for each place you’ll be stopping in. You could buy one when you’re away, but you never know if it will be more or less expensive. For this reason, we recommend purchasing a universal adapter plug in advance. This way, you know you’ve got it before you set off.

A Backpack

It goes without saying that one of the essential travel items is a backpack. When you’re travelling, you’ll likely spend most of the day out and about. There’s no better place to store things you may need – food, drinks, medication and other essentials – than a backpack.

While most people wear theirs on their backs, some prefer to wear them in front, especially if they’re in a country they’ve never been to before. They do this for safety more than anything.

Your backpack should be suitable and practical. It should be a good fit and should be capable of comfortably holding everything you might need while not being too heavy. Choose one that ticks the boxes and gives you all the space you need.

High-Quality Earplugs

Sometimes, you don’t always get the peace and quiet you want while travelling. While you’re on a train, coach or plane, you might feel tired, but people near you are making too much noise.

This is where earplugs come in. Purchase some high-quality ones that are good at cancelling out noise, and you should find it much easier to get that much-needed sleep you’re after.

Earplugs can be practical when you’re trying to sleep too. Some people struggle to fall asleep when they’re away from home. Even if this doesn’t apply to you, there’s every chance your hotel could be noisy in the evening, and earplugs could help you nod off. They’re very useful if you happen to be sharing a room with other people. For example, they’re essential if you’re staying in a hostel.

Water Bottles

Staying hydrated is important, especially if you’re going somewhere hot and humid. Having a water bottle is a great way of ensuring you’re able to quench your thirst whenever you need to. Buying a sturdy metallic one is better than going for a plastic one. It’s multi-use, and the metal helps preserve the water’s temperature.

If you’re going to a place where you can drink tap water, you can refill your water bottle for free as often as you like. However, if drinking tap water isn’t recommended, you’ll have to rely on bottled water from shops and vending machines instead.


When you travel, you’ll no doubt want to document your experience so you can look back on it later. Taking photos and making videos are great ways to share your travel adventures with others, such as your friends and family.

Having a good-quality camera is a must if you’re going to be documenting your travels. Whether you’re planning on filming most of your time there or you’re just going to take a few photos here and there, you should definitely pack a camera.

Of course, loads of people have smartphones with built-in cameras. The cameras that phones come with are incredibly advanced and can capture images in excellent detail. They can also create high-quality videos.

Even though many people use smartphone cameras, some prefer using separate cameras. Digital ones are still really popular. They’re small and lightweight, and you can easily transfer the photos you take on them onto your laptop or computer.


Whether you prefer international trips, staycations or both, remembering the essentials can help make your trip run smoothly. Even though you can purchase essential travel items while you’re away, buying them before setting off is always best.

Make a list of what you need and check you’ve packed every essential item. Then, when your trip begins, you can relax knowing that everything you need is with you. May the travel gods help you have the best, most enjoyable trip ever.