When it comes to protein powder, the choices are absolutely endless. Every brand is claiming to offer you the absolute best when it comes to the latest innovation in gaining muscle mass. Thanks to this brand showboating when I began my journey into the world of protein shakes, I was at a slight loss, the only thing I really knew was that when I’d tried them previously I suffered slight digestive problems. I was not up for a repeat experience.

After a quick internet search and a few conversations with friends, I was very gently pushed in the direction of vegan protein. I hadn’t really considered this route but after a few weeks of using it daily, I can’t see me ever using anything again. I eventually settled on a brand called Form.

Forms mission is simple,

Getting your daily nutrition doesn’t have to come at a cost to others. We can look beyond ourselves.

There’s a more responsible way forward.

We believe the path to performance is paved with plants.

We empower the individual to meet their unique goals – on their own terms.

We are impact-driven. Personal performance is just the beginning.

We aim to inspire a movement that encourages health beyond appearance and wellbeing beyond their own being.

It’s just the way good nutrition ought to be.

I opted for the Superblend Protein, not only does it have 20 grams of plant-based protein to support the growth and maintenance of muscle mass but it’s also packed full of their own blend of greens and fruit powders. This ensures your body is on the right track to tackle its daily requirements.

I cannot recommend looking into Form the next time you want something tasty, nutritious and good for both you, and the planet.

PS – no digestive issues. 

Written by Tom Loughran