Lets face it, everyone loves a quick fix.

From supplements that produce a six pack to a Sambuca shot to get you drunk faster…

What quick fixes (Style Hacks) can we use to improve any outfit?

In this article today I’m going to highlight my 12 favourite style hacks that I’ve personally tried myself. From using Olive Oil to polish your shoes to using Shirt Stays to keep your shirt tucked in all day

Here are 12 men’s style hacks that you can use instantly.

1. Get Yourself A Tailor

Ok, this isn’t the greatest ‘hack’ of all time but it’s something that has a huge impact on your overall style.

If you’re buying clothing ‘off the rack’ from your favourite brands and retailers, you want to make sure they fit your body type perfectly. No item of clothing bought ‘off the rack’ will fit you perfectly, so using a tailor to get them altered to fit you is going to instantly transform any outfit.

If you find the right tailor/alteration service it’s cheaper than you think, and here’s a free guide to help you know what you need tailored.

easy guide to fit

2. Use Shirt Stays To Keep Your Shirt Tucked In

Have you ever tucked your dress shirt in, lifted your arms up and all of a sudden your shirt’s untucked. You tuck it back in, and then an hour later it’s untucked again.

Keeping your shirt tucked in is a common problem that a lot of guys have.

You can do things like the military tuck, you can tuck it into your underpants, these are all things that I’ve shared in a previous video before but there’s a quick style hack that I like to use, and it’s shirt stays.

Shirt stays will keep your shirt tucked in throughout the whole day, and believe it or not they’re more comfortable than you think.

They sit underneath your trousers attaching to the bottom of your shirt and the top of your socks and it keeps the shirt pulled down throughout the day.

There’s a few brands out there now but I recommend Sharp & Dapper for quality (they’re handmade) and comfort.

shirt stays sharp and dappershirt stays sharp and dappershirt stays sharp and dapper

3. Polish Your Shoes With Olive Oil

Before you shoe connoisseurs start getting angry, I fully understand this isn’t a long term solution. But for a quick, needed polish before you leave the door… this works a treat.

Keeping your dress shoes polished is something that’s hugely important. You could have the greatest dress shoes known to man, but if they’re dirty and unpolished it’s going to have an impact on how good you look.

You can invest in a basic polish kit you use at home yourself, or you can invest in regular visits to get your shoes polished, but using Olive Oil is a simple hack to quickly polish and leave your dress shoes looking shiny.

Simply take a small amount of Olive Oil onto a cloth and polish the leather on your shoes. It’s going to help shine the leather, get rid of dirt and most importantly it’s a quick way to leave your shoes looking polished if you’re in a rush.

olive oil shoes

4. Use Double Sided Tape To Control Your Collars

Have you ever worn a shirt or a polo shirt and the collars are just out of control?

I’ve been there before, wearing a formal shirt with a few buttons undone and the collars are out of control. You end up looking like something that’s been thrown out from the 70’s.

I personally wear shirts with button-down collars to overcome this challenge, but using a tiny bit of double-sided tape on the inside of the collar can help stick and keep your collars down throughout the day.

Yes, it sounds tacky, but rocking an outfit like this is more tacky…

70s look

Alongside the DIY version of using double sided tape you also have Fashion Anchor, which is a product that’s more durable and effective than using double sided tape.

It’ going to keep your collars down throughout the day and you won’t have to worry about it unsticking.

fashion anchor

5. Use Instagram For Style Inspiration

Have you ever stared at your wardrobe on evening about to head out and thought to yourself… “I have no idea what to wear”.

I’ve been there before and it’s a challenge a lot of men face (but hate to admit).

But truthfully, you’ve probably got enough clothing in your wardrobe to be able to put together a really good outfit for that night, you’re just lacking inspiration.


To get inspired head over to Instagram and search for a hashtag. If you’re looking to wear your Navy Blazer but you don’t know what to pair it with, search for #navyblazer and take a look at some of the outfits.

A quick search will show me a variety of outfit combinations, giving me some ideas for what to wear. I personally do this quite often, looking at Instagram for inspiration and taking screenshots of the outfits I’m inspired by. When I then go to get dressed for an occasion, I look through those outfits and it gives me ideas on what to wear.

Don’t neglect Instagram as a style tool, it’s not just a place to gain some love from likes and to stalk your ex girlfriends.

6. No Socks? Wear No Show Socks

This is probably something you’ve tried before, especially if you like to showcase those ankles of yours.

Wearing no socks with shoes is more popular than ever, but avoiding socks altogether is a stinking disaster. Not only will it leave your shoes (and feet) stinking, it’s also pretty uncomfortable.

No show socks allow you to rock the ‘no socks’ look without having to deal with the smell or discomfort.

no show socks

Now before you start, I know there’s a huge debate whether men should even consider leaving the house without socks on, I spoke about it in a recent article… (Socks vs No Socks)

But if you’re a no socks guy, make sure you invest in a good pair of no show socks.

7. Fold Your T-Shirts Vertically

If you’re folding your t-shirts flat and placing them into your wardrobe you’re going to face some challenges…

First, you’re going to find it hard to see what t-shirts you have at the bottom of the pile meaning you’ll only wear the same ones over and over again.

Secondly, you’ll make a mess every time you try and reach for a t-shirt nearer the bottom of the pile.

I’ve been there, before I went through the Style Reinvention series my wardrobe was a mess.

If you fold up your t-shirts or your sweatshirts and place them in vertically, you’re going to be able to see everything that you’ve got. If you want that Black T-Shirt you can see it sitting alongside the other options and easily take it out.

fold clothes vertically

By folding your t-shirts vertically you’re going to be able to see everything that you own, meaning you can own less but get the most out of each item.

Be smart, it’s an easier way of organising your clothes.

8. Use A Hot Shower To Remove Wrinkles From Your Clothes

This hack is great if you’re travelling.

How often do you neatly pack your suitcase, arrive at the hotel, open your suitcase and to your amazement see that your carefully ironed and packed clothing have tried to escape?

Your carefully pressed dress shirts are now wrinkled, your suit looks like it’s been worn and your t-shirts look like slept in bed sheets.

Requesting an iron and spending well needed vacation time ironing is of course an option, but hanging your clothing up in the bathroom and turning on a hot shower can help to remove wrinkles from your clothing.

hot shower clothing

It works well with all clothing but in particular suits, with the steam from the shower removing the wrinkles so it’s good to wear.

9. Know Your Measurements

If I asked you how big your chest was… would you know?

What about your neck measurements?

Your leg length?

This style hack is simple but it’s important to know your measurements. Why? It’s going to make online shopping a lot easier, it’s going to save you money in tailoring fees and it’s also going to make you more effective when shopping in general.

When you know your measurements, type them into your phone and you can always reference them when buying a new item of clothing.

know measurements

Fit is of course the most important thing to consider when improving the way that you dress, and being aware of the basic measurements will allow you to buy clothing that fits you well.

Grab a tape measure and measure up your chest, waist, neck, arm length and leg length. You can also measure the width of your thighs and arms, or even head to a tailor who can provide the key measurements for you.

Try to keep on top of this every few months if you’re a gym goer.

10. Unshrink Your Clothing In The Bath

This hack’s a good one. Have you ever shrunk your clothing?

I know that I have, I’m not the greatest with washing and that’s why I tend to avoid it.

If you manage to shrink your favourite t-shirt, soak it in hot water with some conditioner for 5 minutes. Once soaked, start to re-stretch it out. By doing this it’s going to start to revert back to near enough it’s original size and at the same time (if you use a nice conditioner) leave your clothing smelling like Daisy’s.

unshrink clothing

This hack works well for t-shirts and lighter fabrics, but it’s not always going to work well with more luxury heavier fabrics.

So the next time you use the wrong setting on your washing machine, soak your clothing in hot water with conditioner for 5 minutes and start to re-stretch the garment out.

11. Fix Stuck Zippers With Soap

Picture the scene…

You’re on a first date with a beautiful Tinder match, as you enter the restaurant you start zipping down your jacket ready to take it off and show off the new ‘Muscle Fit’ shirt you’ve just bought. As the zip gets near the bottom, it gets stuck. You try zipping it up, zipping it down, wiggling it around but that zipper isn’t moving anywhere.

What do you do?

Do you keep the jacket on throughout the 3 course meal? Do you try to lift the jacket over your head running the risk of messing up your perfectly blowdried hair?


Head to the bathroom, find some soap and rub it around the stuck zipper.

The soap will loosen the zip allowing you to zip it up or down and in most cases, will stop it from happening again.

stuck zipper

If the soap helps loosen the zip but it’s still broken, take it to a local alteration service to get fixed. It’s going to cost, but it’s better than heading out and buying a brand new jacket.

12. Get Clear Skin With Apple Cider Vinegar & Coconut Oil

This is a simple grooming hack, something I learned from Chris Winters in a podcast episode with him.

We all know grooming products can be quite costly, it can also be quite daunting in choosing the right product. So a more natural approach is to use Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil.

I know what you’re thinking…


But adding a small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar to some warm water and scrubbing your face with it acts as a face wash that will help with acne and oily skin.

You won’t end up smelling like a bag of chips because you’ll rinse it off afterwards, and a small amount of coconut oil can be used as a cheap but effective moisturiser.

It’s a natural, cheap and effective way of improving your skin.

apple cider vinegarcoconut oil

Bonus: Pay Attention To The Details

A stylish man knows the importance of focusing on the finer details.

From the quality of construction to the dimple in your tie, paying attention to the details of your outfit shows that you know what you’re doing.

Accessories are a great way to add a subtle touch of personality, but don’t just throw a tie on and expect to make an impression.

Spending time on the knot you choose, adding a tie dimple and even focusing on the length of your tie all make an impact.

arthur shirtley

So focus on the outfit as a whole, but don’t let yourself down with the finer details.

Share A Style Hack

So there we have it, some of my favourite style hacks that you can use to upgrade any outfit.

I want to hear from you, what’s your favourite style hack?

Let me know in the comments below and if you think this article will help someone share it with them.

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